Thursday, May 11, 2023

Wirrabara SA, to Waikerie SA, 11th May, 2023.

Got away at 8,30am and arrived at camp at 2.30pm. Big driving day as we didn’t stop much on the way. Our kms were increase today as we had to make a few changes re avoiding the dirt roads. You have to watch google maps as they say which is the quickest route but don’t say they are dirt roads. So once you get off the main highways you have to check with looking a a map as well. As it turned out there was a quicker way to get here but we didn’t realise that Waikerie had a boat to transport vehicle across the Murray River from the other side of the caravan park. So all up it’s been a bit of a no day so not a lot to talk about. On arrival just relaxed didn’t go out again. A lot of the photos are just landscape captures. Don’t forget the ones taken through the windscreen won’t be as clear re specs on the glass and sun rays. Reflections etc.

Nice colours in this newly ploughed wheat field.


Could you imagine yourself staying in this Burra Hotel?

As you will gather I like little buildings in big fields.

Contrast of creamy tussock grass. I love these creamy colours.

A few old buildings mingling between the trees,

Due to our road changes today we thought that we were getting closer to their sea but we later realised that it was just scrub in the far far distance. Closer in is just another freshly ploughed field which looks nice with the old trees hanging in there. 

More countryside colours

More unused buildings.

We have now arrived along the banks of the Murray River. Stopped shortly at Blanchtown to have a look at the No1 Lock on the river. The area at the bottom of the picture is where the boats wait for either the water to rise or lower depending which way up  or down the river they want to go.

Lock doors to let the boats in

We have set up camp in Waikerie just behind me so I have just come to get a photo of the boat ferry that we could have crossed over in  the van today and prob saved us about 80kms driving  time.With the floods that  this area had late last year, they are still getting along the front of the park back to normal. Along this riverbank of the Murray this grass bank was all under water. So there had been big clean ups getting the mud back in to order and sow the new grass. We are having two nights here then onto Mildura for two nights where they were hit heavier by the flooding. The camp I wanted to stay at there went completely under water over the river banks. They told me they will be lucky to be taking bookings by the 10th July. After our two brilliant days of full sun with cloudless days we just hope it stays for awhile as this area claims to be one of the sunniest places in OZ. We know how to break a drought. Unfortunately for those last two sunny days we were sitting in the van most of the day covering a few kms. And I should add that we have now driven 3502 kms

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