Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mildura Vic — 14th May, 2023

Relaxing day in Mildura. When we arrived in camp last night we noticed the engine battery  had a warning on the dashboard. Just another problem to add to the list. And just to mention again the van was only two weeks old when we picked it up. As we have a big trip on the road tomorrow can’t risk going into the outback country until they have looked at it. They couldn’t get anyone out to help today being Sunday and mothers day. We said we want someone out as early as possible in the morning. They said they can’t promise anything. We will be cross if we have to waste another day. We have to be on the road tomorrow to met our next commitment. We have had two nights here and haven’t got the time to spend longer. We couldn’t even go out to see places out of town as they said if we break down there will be nobody to help us. We would have liked to go out to places like Merbein in 11km to the west. Known for its wine and vines and citrus. And a good lookout. Since we crossed over to Victoria this  area is big on grapevines and citrus trees.  Also a place called Red Cliffs with the same growing areas as Merbein and a good viewing  area at the Red Cliffs Scenic Reserve and lookout. But couldn’t do this so at this stage we were already in town so just spent a couple of  hours walking around town and the foreshore before going back to camp for lunch. So it was a compulsory quiet afternoon. But a nice place at our river beach campsite, and the sun was shining. We woke up to 6 deg. this morning but it got up to 24 deg.  Beautiful day to do very little. But still managed to take heaps of photos in a morning. We are off to Hay tomorrow 🤞and will probably be on the toad for four hours as we don’t know of any things to see on the way,

Mildura Wharf provides a great experience of 19th century river travel when you can take a Paddle-Steamer Ride along the Murray River.

The name of this Vessel is Rothbury. People were getting on board but we weren’t sure if they were going down the river or just going on board for coffee. She didn’t move before we left to go up to town. When we returned she had gone and another vessel was at the wharf.

Standing on the Mildura Wharf  took this photo looking up river. That houseboat tied to a tree could be a private one or a rental.

Now looking down river

Decided to go up to town which is up on a higher level from the river. From the riverside recreational area had to walk up a lot of stairs to get to town level. Above is a pedestrian mall.

Just had a quick walk round town. Very nice city tidy and clean. 

Heading back to the foreshore.

Lots of trees down the middle of the Main Street.

Now finding different steps to get back down to river level.

Such a lovely area. Being Mother’s Day everyone out with their families enjoying the area. Most places we have been through have always put a lot into their coastal foreshores and now the river town foreshores.  Always beautifully manicured clean and tidy. Lots of people out enjoying themselves. Going back to the Nullarbor Plain on all those cliff top walks out to the coastal views. The work that went into the construction of steps and walkways was amazing Everything is done for the enjoyment of the people. A real outdoor country.

This is a close up of the building in photo above top right. It is the rowing club. People were out on the balcony enjoying their Mother’s Day coffee with their families.

Along the river we have another paddle steamer waiting for people to board her. We didn’t go on any rides just as happy walking along the banks of the river. 

Side view beautiful looking boats. The paddles are under the curved side.

Back view. They are so quiet and graceful cruising down the river at a maximum of 4 knots. None of this rushing around in a launch or fizz boat.

This walkway beside the river just goes on through the parks. Then along the side of the road right out to where our camp is.

Just a few private boats tied up to a tree or poles in the ground for that purpose.

Looking down river to Lock 11

We are now going out to walk over lock 11. We hadn’t walked over a lock before.

This one has a bridge you are allowed to walk over. The others we have seen are all locked no access.

Standing on the bridge looking up river on the high side of the lock.

Looking down through the lock to the open gates at the other end.

Under the bridge, that we walked over, the gates were shut.

This photo showing a boat going through the lock.

This shows the high level of water up river on the left of bridge and the lower level in the lock on the right.

Now back at camp for our afternoon of compulsory  relaxation. I couldn’t sit still so went out taking more photos.

Our river front site. Very pleasant.

Looking back through the camp.

More shots down on the beach in front of us. I walked around further from last nights photos. Quite unusual to see these big beach areas on the rivers.

Oops got my shadow.

Above and below families out on a beautiful Mother’s Day Sunday.

Now going to try to explain how much water came up in the November last year floods. The campsites all along the river area were all under water even though the banks of the river are quite high. I am taking this from river level now. Looking up to our camp ground. This is the sand height of the sand on the beach only not the bank.

Now I am standing on the top of the sand then in front of me is the river bank above the sand. You can just see the caravans etc on the riverfront sites. Now imagine the water coming up to the height of the caravans roofs ( of cause they wouldn’t have been there at the time.) I find it hard to comprehend how so much water could rise in the floods. But I can imagine how much water would rush down the Murray river during high floods. They say they can get big floods every 10 to 12years but I think this last year was way above normal. It must have risen at least 6 mts. 

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