Monday, May 15, 2023

Mildura VIC, —to— Hay NSW, 15th May, 2023.

 Got away from Mildura at  10. 20am. We had to wait for Roadside Assist to arrive re the battery alternator symbol that came up yesterday on our dashboard. As we were travelling just under 300kms today we had to get it checked before we left. We were lucky that he came out reasonably early so it didn’t hold us up for too long. The guy took awhile to realise what was going on then he discovered a dial on the steering wheel had been bumped. So the outcome was all good. He cleared that off the dashboard and good to go. So nothing major thank goodness. There are so many electrical connection everywhere in the van even the technician couldn’t find where the battery was, so we still haven found it. PT now knows how to clear the dashboard screen if these things get bumped while steering.  Things have changed since last years van we hired which was all switches, button, etc that you had to turn on, off and up and down. Now it’s all done by touch screen computer panel. Must admit it’s a lot easier with the screen method. We have now arrived in Hay NSW after crossing the border as soon as we crossed the river leaving Mildura. So only two nights in Victoria. NSW is now where we will be until we leave Sydney.

Rio Vista Historic House.
As we were leaving camp had a quick look at this beautiful old homestead. Which I missed seeing yesterday. It’s Mildura’s most important heritage building visited by thousands of visitors, locals and school children a year. They have many valuable artwork on display in the house.

Leaving Mildura on the bridge crossing the Murray River. We are now in NSW heading for Hay NSW. Just short of 300kms.

About half way to Hay we stopped at a placed called Balranald drove down to the Murrumbidgee River to stop and make some lunch. Leaving the Murray behind us.  Hopefully as we follow it further down river it will get wider and more picturesque. After the floods its gone the other way lacking a bit of water.

Found a spot to have a break from driving, some lunch and a coffee.

2nd half of this trip we have hit the Hay Plains. Roads go on and on forever. The flat landscape also goes forever. Its like this no matter which way you look. You feel you are in the middle of nowhere but I suppose we were, it’s just great being out in these wide open spaces. 

Part of the plains where all you can see is all this creamy tussock grass which also goes on forever with a row of trees way on the horizon.

Way on the distance you can see a long row of the farmers irrigation system stretching across his fields. Wouldn’t have any idea how long it would be. One end is connected to water and it runs right along to the end spraying out water while it rolls along on wheels through the fields. You would need them this size with these massive fields.

Not a lot happening today especially after our late get away this morning then just driving to get here to the Big 4 Hay caravan Park. Arrived about 2..00pm and then just settled in and prepared dinner. We never go out for dinner we just like eating in the van. Then I write my blogg after dinner, PT reads, then we are asleep before 10.00pm. Picture above taken late afternoon. 

As you can see a bit of a nothing day, but it’s still been enjoyable. Hay is a smallish town but we will walk into town across the river tomorrow as we have two nights here. A few things to look around and do. Then have a relaxing afternoon.

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Shellharbour NSW — to —Sydney NSW, 25th May, 2023

 Left camp at 8.00am to drive up to Let’s Go Motorhomes to hand in our van. Took two hours to get there as since we booked our trip about 11...