Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Ceduna SA. To Streaky Bay, 2nd May, 2023

 Left Ceduna after a good two nights stop. Good to slow down. From Ceduna we are now continuing down the West Coast of Eyres Peninsula the home of good Oyster farms, in Ceduna, Smokey Bay, Streaky Bay, Venus Bay, Elliston and Coffin Bay. Just travelled 113kms today heading for Streaky Bay stopping off to have a look at Smokey Bay then onto Streaky Bay Island Caravan Park.

A short turn off to go down to see Smoky Bay. Only a very small settlement of about 200 residents. A few holiday and permanent residents homes and a caravan park. Not a lot to see but always like to check out all the bays.

Bay a lot more exposed to the Westerlies hence rougher and not so clear water like in the calm enclosed bay of Ceduna. 

Smoky Bay also has a long Jetty, due to the shallow waters. The Jetty was originally built so they could ship the wheat out but these days it’s all done by overland. When the wheat transporting stopped council wanted to pull down the old Jetty but the locals wouldn’t let them as today it’s used by tourists and mainly fishing from it. 

The jetty is 381 metres long with a height of 3.4 metres.

As you can see we walked out and PT would have to stop to check out the fishing for Whiting. 

Here they have fenced an area off from the Jetty with steps going down into it, to keep the sharks out, for the kids to safely go swimming 

A group of Pelicans, all but one were sleeping so didn’t see them standing tall.

We have now arrived at the Streaky Bay Caravan Park. What a beauty, very modern and laid out with big spacious sites and lovely green trees. It sits on a sloping hill going up from the sea. Big park and booked out so it must be popular, I tried to book a beach front site two months ago and couldn’t get one.

So we are up the hill  a bit but still get a view of the sea. Note here how big the sites are all the space between trees is one site. The next campers are behind the trees on the left. And the facilities are fantastic. Very flash.

Being on a corner we see right down the road and over the top of the site in front of us. We look a long way from the sea but we are not as the bay sweeps right round past the side of us so we only have to walk past one site over on the side of us to walk down to the beach.

Looking out of our windows so we still see a bit of water. The  caravan down in front slightly left is the what they call beach front sites. That’s the one I tried to book so you can see we are really only one back from them.

A small sunset tonight.

After taking the sunset photo I turned round and took this one looking back up to our van tucked in behind the trees. Where I am standing is next to the beach front sites I wanted so we are really only one back from the front sites.  That’s what they call beach front but they are not actually on the beach. There is a short walking track to the beach over a patch of grass.

Looking forward to getting out tomorrow to explore the Streaky Bay Area. We didn’t go and explore today as we have three nights here. Lots of loop roads around the coast area which is meant to be beautiful but when you are renting these motorhomes they have a six km limit off the sealed roads which means there is so many areas you can’t go and see. As a lot of these roads are dirt roads,  which we have been told they are well maintained. That’s the trouble when you rent you have these restrictions. If you don’t adhere by them you won’t be covered by insurance. So we will miss a lot but those are the rules 😬 They say the scenery is stunning around here but cause we won’t see it all. All the great spots are the ones you can’t get to, only by 4wheel drive.

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Shellharbour NSW — to —Sydney NSW, 25th May, 2023

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