Monday, May 1, 2023

Ceduna SA, 1st of May, 2023

Gosh the 1st of May where has the first third of the year gone?? I’m just going back with a few photos crossing the Nullarbor that I didn’t have time to post on the day.

We were at the WA/SA border when we saw this couple preparing to hit the road on their bike in the pouring rain. As they took off the girl sat in the seat over the front wheel and they both peddled together. A lot of hard work crossing the Nullarbor like that. We saw a young girl on her own biking all that way. So dangerous.

As we left the Nullarbor Roadhouse

Truck passing us, this is only a small one.

Look at this Road train. You can see how close it gets as they don’t slow down but PT does before they teach us.

At the Nullarbor Roadhouse. It reads Nullarbor wilderness protection area.

Back to today at Ceduna. The first town you come to after leaving  the plains. We had to go through quarantine as coming from WA Yesterday, they took a few vegetables from us, potatoes, avocado, lettuce cabbage and something else. I had read the list of dos and donts to check what we could take and what we couldn’t but he just opened our fridge and said can’t take that and that etc. grumpy guy no smile. He knew that he had the power over me. I told him he will have a good dinner tonight.  And he stormed out of our van.
I Woke up to cloud cover this morning but it lifted by late morning. That’s what it often does. As we are having two nights here we just had a nice quiet day just driving around the town and out to the port. Very relaxing and it turned out really hot and sunny. Just in shorts ands T Shirts. Have to admit we were in our trackies in the evenings over the plains but had the air conditioning heater going all night to take the chill off. Very cosy. Ceduna is a small town one of the few places we are going to stay as we drive round the Eyres Peninsula having two nights at most places. All these towns right round the peninsula are famous for their fresh seafood which can be purchased almost as soon as it comes in that day. Today we had a feed straight from the ocean for dinner. So fresh. Looks like we might have a week of seafood dinners while we are in this area. We buy it fresh at the port and cook it all up ourselves and have it in the van.

First we went out for a drive out to the Port Thevenard, where it is a service centre for wheat grain, fishing, Iluka Mineral Sand, Salt and Gypsum. Above is the huge Wheat production area where they load up the ships at the port.

The pile of salt which comes in to be shipped.

The anchor was of the Eleni K.  Which on September 29 1966 sank of Thevenard. It was loaded up with 7776 tons of bulk wheat which broke its back and settled in 25ft of water after clearing the ships channel to the port of  Thevenard  at Ceduna,

Out at Thevenard Port people in town built this small lighthouse for those who had lost their life’s to the sea along the southern shores in remembrance and moving on. With a long list of all the names and how they died. It’s all been hand done by each individual placing all these small tiles in place. In the background is one of the wheat transporting ships in port. 

Now back in the town of Ceduna walking down the long Jetty where people fish mainly for whiting and crabs.

Looking underneath the Jetty the pikes look very rusty. We would say they will all need replacing at some early stage. Many of the towns down this coastline we are going to will have these long Jetty’s.

Looking over the bay at the wheat Silos out at the Port.

Looking along the waterfront drive.

 The coastline in front of the waterfront drive.

Our van behind the trees parked up while we walk around the area.

Looking along the grass area along the foreshore.

Looking over the Jetty to the Port out on the Point. You will note the fourth, sixth and eighth pile are very rusty with the cross members completely broken. 

Where we purchased our oysters today. They only open them when you buy them. Straight off the boat tasted so fresh.

These guys were preparing the Whiting fish. We had some for dinner so yummy not unlike flounder but at little more tender.

Took this at our site in the big 4 Camping ground
at Ceduna. If you look closely at the fence on the right it is all covered in sharp wire coils. I am calling it our prison site. A real lock up with automatic gates opening and shutting as you come and go.

Our prawns we had for dinner also straight off the ships.

Salad,  potatoes, eggs, oysters, prawns and whiting fish fillets. So yummy. Hopefully we will live on these foods from the ocean over the next week going down the coast of the Ayres Peninsular,

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