Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Canberra ACT, —. to — Shell Harbour, 23rd May, 2023.

 Going back to yesterday 22nd, May as I didn’t do a blog last night. 

Someone on board had a birthday!!! Last morning in Canberra and we woke up to minus 4.2 deg. Gosh that’s cold when you are not prepared for it sleeping in a tin van but at least we had the heater going all night but it was struggling last night. We knew it would be cold in Canberra but not that cold. Headed off in the morning leaving Canberra in the fog to Shell Harbour for our last three nights in the motorhome    ( where we are now). Probably about three hours driving all up as we had to drive through  the Macquarie Pass National Park.Very twisty a few hair pin turns so that made us very slow. Very hard driving for PT narrow and twisty. Before this we came off the highway to drive through Goulburn. Finally arriving about Mid-day at Shell Harbour what a lovely place. On our way once the fog lifted it turned out a beautiful cloud less day. Superb.  

Shortly after we woke up yesterday in Canberra. The bright green grass had turned into a heavy frost. Also ice on the step of the van. And thick fog in the background. 😱🥶

We have left Canberra, the sun came out but as we climbed up higher went through fog again as we approached Lake George. As we approached the lake we thought at first it was the sea as it was such a huge area of water. Then realised we couldn’t be that close to the coast.

We have now turned off the highway to have a drive through  Goulburn. As we entered the large city, this guy welcomed us. He was at least 12 metres high as can be gauged by the bus stop sign below him. Goulburn, principal city of the Southern Tablelands SE New South Wales, established in 1833.Became a city in 1864 so you can guess, a lot of old architecture to be seen, but we didn’t stop just for a drive through and back out on the highway. All the way we were travelling on the four lane highway from Canberra until we had to turn off to get to Shell Harbour.

Above and below driving through the city of Goulburn.

I have put this map in to show the winding road we had to cross over the Macquarie Pass National park.! Including all these turns there were at least three big very tight hair pin turns 😳

This really slowed us down. Hard driving for PT handling a 8 metre van around these tight corners and narrow road.

It was all very pretty.

Another tight one coming up.

This was scary coming down approaching this sharp bend. A real tight hairpin corner.

Got half way round in this corner which was a bit too tight so had to back up a little and hoped nobody was coming down behind us or coming up in front of us 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞made it.

After a lot of turning and twisting around  corners we finally arrived at our camp site at Shell Harbour. Front row looking out to the ocean which we haven’t seen for about 12 days. What a lovely place, weather was perfect, ( back into our shorts and t shirts,)  although they said it was really blowing in the day before. Very impressed with what we have seen so far. 

Along in front of the camp. Although it’s not a Sandy swimming beach the coastline has lots of long Sandy beaches. One just around the top corner which is a lovely long beach going round to the quite new Boat Harbour  which we will show you photos tomorrow. Long beaches as you head north towards Sydney.

This is the small village of Shell Harbour just running up from the beach.

This is a small Boat Harbour at the bottom of the town. Not the big new one I mentioned. Wait till you see that in tomorrows blog.

Walked out along the rocks where a lot of guys were fishing.

PT went out to chat to them. That’s PT on the left the guy in blue just watching,

These fellows were were enjoying the sun in a rock pool.

Just along in front of our site is this big swimming pool fed from the sea. Quite a few people are always doing lengths during the day, but (today ) it was all emptied out, water blasted and then refilled with the sea water.

Well that’s all about yesterday so tomorrow and I will write about what we did today. Confused !! We won’t be going out exploring anywhere tomorrow as we have to pack up everything of ours into our suitcases, ready to leave the trusty motorhome on Thursday May 25. Hopefully we have time just to relax for the rest of the day. We will then go to a hotel near the airport  for the night to return home flying out on the 26th May.

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Shellharbour NSW — to —Sydney NSW, 25th May, 2023

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