Sunday, May 21, 2023

Canberra ACT, 21st May, 2023

Woke to 7 deg this morning  felt a little warmer until the sun went and a big black cloud sat over us just as we were visiting the miniature village and gardens. Small buildings and miniature trees. We were so cold there rushed through it and on our way. Then went to see the Canberra Raiders football stadium. Next drove into the city to have a walk around downtown Canberra. Then back to camp about 2.00pm.

Walking around the Miniature buildings and gardens. One of us stood in the photo to show the size of the buildings. This is about a seven story castle. But smaller than PT.

This is the full size house, at the back, that we walked through to get to the mini village. House in the foreground is a miniature.

PT at the train station. He looks so cold. He had 4 layers on too. No sun and cold wind blowing through.

Admiring this grand house.

Looking down a street of houses.

Pretty setting

Boats going through the locks.


More about the beautiful planting.

And look what I found a Mini to add to my collection of photos.

Didn’t go inside but took a couple of shots outside the Dinosaur  Park.

We made it to the Canberra Raiders stadium but unfortunately we couldn’t get any further in as there was a game on this afternoon and all security was in place preparing for the game. Haven’t heard how they got on.

A map of Canberra. Blue circle was up Capital Hill area where the Old and New Parliament buildings are where we went yesterday plus the trip round the Lake. And the red circles is where we went today. Walk around town and up City Hill. You note the the main road goes straight through the city around City Hill then across the lake right up to Capital Hill.

Now for a walk around the inner City. 

Lucky the sun came back out but it was still very cold with the wind rushing between the high buildings. A lot of eating places open and busy on a Sunday. 

A city park surrounded by high office blocks and probably apartments.

We are standing on City Hill looking up the long straight road  to Capital Hill where the Old and New parliament buildings are. You can see the white front of New parliament right at the top and Old which you can’t see is nestled in the hill below it.

We walked over this small hill called City Hill where you drive around it before you drive over the lake and continued up to Capital Hill. City Hill is used as a big - round - about between the two lanes either side of the straight road that enters and runs down through the city up to Capital Hill.

Not sure who this guy is but he looks harmless.

Looks like these could be apartments,

Now to try and explain the trams that run up and down of the long straight road into the city. The four lane road is divided with tram lines going each way. Good quick system to get into the city. We didn’t use it. Some of the residential areas are so close to the city we just parked the van in one of those streets and just walked a short distance to the centre of the city. Easy,

This shows the roads clearer two lanes on each side with the tram lines running down the centre.

Well my thoughts re Canberra. I suppose it’s just another City. We don’t usually like going into Cities but felt after what we read about its modern architecture and unusual layout design we should go and have a look. Around the touristy areas are all pretty and well kept but as soon as you leave the inner city the parks around the lake are very untidy and not planted well with gardens trees etc. you just drive in on uncurbed seal. No well manicured cut grass. Just the natural growth of gum trees. The lake was designed to have little bays and a few peninsulas  going out into the lake that could make such great recreational area if their designs continued out to these areas. It’s almost like as soon as you get one or two kms from the city it all changes. It’s disappointing after so much went into this so called great man  made Lake with its great design. But don’t get me wrong it’s still a city to see for yourself just for its layout mainly that works really well. The inner city doesn’t seem that big.

Tomorrow we drive up to Shell Harbour for three nights. A place on the seafront just over 100kms south from Sydney. We hear from others it is a nice area, can walk everywhere. We are not interested in going into Sydney,  just want to relax and pack up the camper to return on the 25th May. Then having the last night in a hotel at the airport. I probably won’t write a blog every night now as we won’t be doing much. Might have a break tomorrow night as we will just be driving.

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