Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Shell Harbour, 24th May, 2023

 Another beautiful sunny cloudless day. Just spent the first half of the morning packing up what we could place into our suitcases ready for our departure in the morning to drive up to Sydney to hand the van in. Rest of the day will be just sitting around in the sun relaxing which is something we just haven’t had the time to do. Always on the go.

This morning I got up to see the sun rise.

Until it came over the horizon. No wind another beautiful day arises.

Going back to yesterday, 23rd,  we took off  to explore the area around Shell Harbour. It too was a perfect sunny cloudless day. 

A quick walk along the beach the other end where we hadn’t been. Looking back at our camping ground, 

Just around the corner was this lovely beach which sweeps round to the newish Boat Harbour complex. Thought about walking but looked a long way away so went back to get the van and drove round to see it later in the day. Many people had said you must go round and see it.

First of all we decided to drive further north as far as Port Kembla. The above and below photos are taken of Lake Illawarra as we crossed over the bridge heading north. The lake looked so big and beautiful as when we went further north it was still beside us. I would have loved to stop to go and see it but seemed to miss the turning into it. Thought we would see it on the way back but couldn’t see how to get to it. So unfortunately missed out.  So much traffic around as we were on a highway. They call it a lake but really it must be sea water as the bridge we crossed over  was going over the inlet from the sea. Really like a big harbour rather than a lake.

Arrived at Port Kembla. Found a good viewing area called lookout Hill 60, with good views all round. Looking out to first island the small one called Rocky Is, then the big island and some more smaller ones at the back, called Five Islands.

They had a flash viewing deck we climbed up to see all around us.

Looking down south one of the many long Sandy beaches which is Port Kembla Beach where we drove down to next.

Port Kembla in the distance looking north, note the ships in the distance waiting to off load we understand the build up of ships is related to a wharfies strike. In all we counted 15 ships awaiting to be off loaded. 

Drove down from the hill to see Port Kembla beach. The beginning of the long stretch of beach we looked down on from the top of the hill.

Now standing on a viewing deck in front of Port Kembla life saving club  looking straight down onto Port Kembla Beach.

Same viewing deck looking right along the beach. There are lots of long beaches like this all up this coast.

Now have come back through Shell Harbour going south out to Shell Cove. This is where they have built the big new yacht harbour. There are rows and rows of new streets with rows and rows of town  houses built on them. All very neat and tidy but you have to wander where all the people are going to come from to live here.

Drove past the Boat Harbour for now to go out to Bass point which is a reserve area out on a peninsula at the end of all the housing estate.  But before that we stopped at this reserve and made some lunch. Ended up not going to the end of the peninsula as the road changed to metal.

Now at the Shell Cove Yacht Harbour. The marina is still under construction. We are looking at a block of apartments which look over the harbour. We are standing out on a Jetty for drop off and pick ups.

At the end of the above Jetty looking out back at the boats.

PT dreaming 💭 

Looking along the front of the apartments. Restaurants all along under them.

In the foreground they have fenced off an area around this little beach for the kids to swim. Over on the left is a big restaurant upstairs. It was full of people.

This boat is sitting there waiting to take passengers on a tour  out into the bay.

This is the area down in front of the apartments. Big boardwalks. Looking over the boats.

As you walk into the village the apartments are up on the left.

Tonight is the last night in our motorhome. We are all packed up a few last minute things to do in the morning before we leave getting away at about 8.00am for the drive up to Sydney to drop off the waggon. We have loved this area around Shell Harbour. Would love to return some day. 🤔

After thirty nights on the road, we leave our home on wheels tomorrow, 😢 to go to a hotel near the airport. We can then get sorted for our flight home on Friday, which gets into Auckland late afternoon. I will do one last blog tomorrow night with my summary of our trip. 

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Shellharbour NSW — to —Sydney NSW, 25th May, 2023

 Left camp at 8.00am to drive up to Let’s Go Motorhomes to hand in our van. Took two hours to get there as since we booked our trip about 11...