Saturday, May 6, 2023

Elliston SA 6th May 2023

We woke up to a flat tyre this morning. Thought Oh NO we only have one full day in Elliston to see the sights. We  found out that the only man in town that repairs tyres is on a months holiday. So thought that was too long to wait for him!!!! What now, so off we went and purchased a tyre repair kit. Our neighbour in camp was travelling in a caravan club one of a group of them. He help PT get the spare wheel of which was a huge task, took two of them lying on their backs under the back of the van trying to undo bolts and lift this thing out. He then said one of his mates has done this type of repairs himself so off he went to get him. More men gathered and shortly later this guy had done the job. Then our neighbour had a pump so all good. What great team work.The tyre that had the screw in it went back under the van until we can get it fix properly when we  get to a bigger place. But everyone’s advice said don’t bother,  the repair they have done will be as good, so we might leave it. After all that drama we finally got on the road about 11.00am to go and drive over the Clift top Sculpture Trail which was just a little out of town. Like the previous towns Elliston has the big sweeping bay with the high cliffs to shelter it. Yes more cliff shots to come. 🙃 A cold spell is going through so in the photos you will notice the extra clothing. Sounds like home. But we are getting the sun.

Arrived in to Elliston yesterday about 1.00pm in the rain. But it didn’t last long and the sun was out again. Rained again overnight then fine all day today. After we sorted the tyre out we were off to explore.

Above and bottom photo looking both ways along Waterloo Bay,  The town beach. This bay sweeps right round and forms a calm harbour which has a very rough, entrance to the bay which you see in a photo further down. You will also note that these last few towns we have visited have these long piers. This one being at least 400 metres long. 

We have started our 12km loop road drive, around the Sculpture Trail along the cliff tops. It is all about the scenery and a few sculptures.

More beautiful scenery, as we drive along.

Back off the sealed roads but this one is really very smooth with just a few bumps. We are going slow as we want to enjoy the outlook. But we were stopping a lot of spots and getting out to take photos.

This sculpture was to far away to really see it.  There were a row of birds like the above but could only get one in the photo as they were spread out.

I took a video of this shot and water is really pounding in and sweeping out again. So many huge waves come rolling in.

These cliffs are the ones that protect the bay.

Four sculptures in a row one, a black man 
and three white men. I had to decide which one I took home. I decided on the black man.

Two dolpins

It was just great quietly rolling along this road admiring the views. I never get too much of the cliffs and water as every shot is so different.

Just going slow. So quiet and peaceful 
With the wind blowing.

Very cold wind up here today. I’m still looking around, but you can just see PT getting back to the van to keep warm.

Not sure about this one.

This is a real beauty,

It’s all just so stunning.

This part of the Trail road would have been about 6kms long.

Not very clear as sun behind the post a bit dark

I liked the finish on  this one, it was very smooth to touch. Almost a polished look.

This photo fascinates me as this is were the calm waters of the bay meet head on with the wild rough ocean. Some of these waves are massive. You can see a very narrow smooth stretch of water in the middle, so we presumed that this is the entrance to the bay where the boats have to navigate through. Looks dangerous to me.

This one is interesting.

These are at the drive entrance of someone’s property.

I chose this one 🙂 on the left of the entrance.

On the right.

Back at camp and enjoyed our slow stop start drive today. Looking down over the waggon through the camp ground. We had a nice private site tucked away in the corner. Notice we have solar panel on the roof.

Have been meaning to say I said I was going to take photos of all the Silo’s artwork. I have only posted one in Ravensthorpe as we have gone off the Silo  art trail by coming down the western side of Eyres Peninsula.  In about three days I should be back onto it joining the trail again. I just hope I can find a few. I have done some research and I record that I should find about fourteen. Then it won’t be too much about sea and cliff photos it will be too much Silo Art. Also I forgot to say we aren’t having much luck with our sea food since Ceduna. No Oysters grown in these areas in the last four days. They  just specialise in Prawns but unfortunately the prawn boats aren’t going out due to not bringing enough back on the boats to make it pay. Just our luck. But I’m sure it will get better before we leave the ocean. Stopping  at Coffin Bay tomorrow for two nights  and what I read they are the king of Oysters. We hope. After that a night at Cowell and they are very big on all sorts of seafood so heres hoping. 

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